Exactly what you need in one interactive platform
3Clicks is an innovative app that supports Healthcare Professionals in diagnosis and treatment processes.
3Clicks mobile apps contain essential medical knowledge supporting diagnosis and treatment processes in a simple and practical format of scales, algorithms and multimedia files, assisting Health Care Professionals in their daily work.
Doctor’s working environment is a subject of permanent change, from regular diagnostic and treatment guidelines updates up to new product launches and regulatory changes. The name of the game is: quick access to credible information
There is a wide range of apps available to customers among others ThromBOX (stroke prevention in AF), Astmabox (Asthma), SMbox (dedicated to multiple sclerosis), REUbox (for rheumatology), or Lipidbox (for dyslipidemias) and HFbox (for heart failures).
Over 13 thousands doctors use them daily to support their work in setting the right diagnosis and treatment which in the end increase patients’ quality of life.
Check up for available apps in web stores, and share with us your opinion.
In stores you will find a wide range of free to use 3Clicks apps. We continue to create new ones so stay in touch. Check availiable apps in web stores. If you think that there is an area that should be covered with our app – please let us know! Your opinion is very important for us.
Unique interactive algorithms helping users in prescribing the right drugs’ package size with information about reimbursement status

Current and relevant data, assisting physicians in their work

Unique interactive algorithms helping users in prescribing the right drugs’ package size with information about reimbursement status